Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's so Easy to go

Lately the Eddy family has been in my heart and prayers...
They lost 19 year old Joshua at the Rogue River on May 5th, just 3 weeks ago... Joshua was brother and friend to lots of people and was loved by his family and friends dearly, although I never met the young man I was inspired by his blog posts and decided to create my own. I've been thinking about how we can all go so quickly. God can call us home at any given day and though there will be mourning on earth there will be happiness in heaven.
I was watching Josh's memorial service online tonight on http://joshuaeddymemorial.com/ and I couldn't stop the tears from falling as I saw the bittersweet words his sister wrote in the song for him. I was thinking to myself, "Just as easily as Josh went, one of my own brothers could go, Caleb, Ben, Isaac or even little Valor..." then came the sudden thought, losing one of my brothers would be traumatizing, but what about losing my dad?  Where would I be without these people who have impacted my life so greatly? Would I have the strength God gave 15 year old Mariah? Or would I sulk in my room all day? I could easily list 15 people who, if even ONE of them were to go would make me feel empty. But, now I must ask myself, Are these people around me what I need to feel whole? Or should I feel whole in the Only One who can truly make me whole? I suppose we are all blinded by the world in our belief that we need each other to be something in life when, in reality all we need is Christ, and through Christ we will have what we truly need. 
Phillipians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. So why is it that we search out earthly things instead of pursuing Christ in our daily life?
I will not lie, I do not read my Bible every day, unless you count the occasional posting of scripture on social networking sites, Christ is not the center of my life but he SHOULD be. I, like many people "get busy" we are so preoccupied by our simple daily lives that we forget about God, and the fact that He gives us each and every day. He gives us each day so why don't we use them to glorify Him? If you knew Christ was coming to take you home today would you still act the same way? If God was watching you this very second would you take that last brownie? Would you click on that webpage? Well guess what? He is watching you right now, so do you want to have to account for those things someday, since he knows when we lie there is no way to get around the wrong things we've done in God's eyes. We should account for each moment of each day so that someday when we see God face to face He will say "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" We can go any day, any minute, any second,  Just as easy as it was for God to take Joshua home He can take you and me, Are you prepared to account for every moment of your life? Are you pleased with what God is seeing? Right now, one of the best things we can do to account for that time is spend it growing closer to God. Taking every thought captive for Christ.
I have attached a picture of Josh below... 

- Emma

Where should I put my trust?

Psalm 62: 5-8 (KJV)
"5My soul, wait though only upon God: for my expectation is from him. 6He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. 7In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. 8Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah."
I "Discovered" this psalm 8 weeks ago on Thursday morning...I read it, and wrote down what the verses meant to me (you'll see that below). What is super duper cool, is that on the following Sunday, one of the men from our church (Mr. Keastner) spoke on it!! I was totally floored when I heard him stand up and say "Turn with me to Psalm chapter 62 please..." And then proceed to read exactly those verses which I have up there...and then to even go as far as to say almost the same exact things as I had written down for them myself! Talk about God moving!! I just think it was super cool that I had just been reading it, and enjoying it, and then Mr. Keastner stood up and shared my exact thoughts with everyone!...and now for what I have to say about these verses ;-)
Verse 5: Don't put your trust-expectation-into anyone, or thing, but God. Only God is sure, and faithful. Only in God can you be sure that the promises he makes will be fulfilled. Anything in this world can go away in a instant, Money, People, Things, so don't invest in things of this world, but only in the things of God! God says that if you trust in him he will bless you. 1 Timothy 6: 18-19 says "That they do good, that they be rich
in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life."  This I believe is saying that by our good works for God, we lay up a foundation (or treasure) for ourselves. We have assurance of Heaven through Jesus Christ, but what will there be in Heaven waiting for us if we don't work for God on this earth? God will bless us in heaven for what we do for him here.
Verses 6-7: I personally love these verses because they are telling us we have a sure foundation. God is our salvation, not ourselves, he is the rock of our strength. We don't have to depend on anyone or anything, other then him for strength! He is our defence, we can lean on him in the hard times, he will defend us against our enemy's, if we stand upon God, we will not be moved! Our God can not be moved, and when we stand upon him we can't be moved either. Our refuge is in God, he is our steadfast father, willing to listen, our resting place. He is our refuge.
Verse 8: God wants us to trust in him, always. Not just when we agree with him, always. Through the hard times, through the good times, always. Follow him, no matter where. Abraham left his home and went where God told him to, and God blessed him. We seem to think we know what's best for us, and when we mess up, and wonder what went wrong! If you will fully put your trust in God, he will bless you in ways unimaginable. Pour our your heart to him! God wants to hear from us, talk to him! Get to know him better, tell him all your troubles, desires, struggles, happinesses, God loves to listen to us! God does know everything in our hearts, but he wants us to talk to him, so that we will grow closer to him. It's not the knowledge he wants, he already has that, he wants us to come to him! Pour your heart out before the Lord. And again, God is a refuge! A safe place, someone who you can always talk to, someone you understands, he is our refuge.
- Bekah

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Poem: Dear Lord (a prayer)

Dear Lord...
I am weak, and can not be alone,
I need you Lord, for I am to sin so prone!
I need you to help me through the trials,
As all around me my sin piles.

Lord I need you to be with me always,
Not only just on the bad days,
Every day and every hour I want to be with you,
I have no strangth without you, what alone can I do?

I need you Jesus to be my guide,
And who is more trustworthy then one who for me died?
None, oh God, you're the only one,
Without you my life would be done.

I alone am nothing of worth,
Without you I would regret the very day of my birth,
Let me be just for your use Lord,
Let me be a vessel to share your word.

Oh Lord please take my reins,
Being in control is not worth this worlds "gains",
Work through me to my best potential,
God in my life you are the most essential.

Send me where you can use me most,
Leave my plans, for of tomorrow I can not boast,
Dear Lord help me to be more like you,
Every day to do as you would have me to do.

I know, oh Lord, that will fail,
I will wander off on some rabbit trail,
I depend on you to bring me back again,
To lead me back to the Fathers "Den".

Dear Lord catch me when I start to fall,
Oh God, you are my all in all,
Dwell in my through night and day,
Help me not to let the world hold any sway.

Help me to shine for you where ever I go,
Even when the winds of temptations blow,
Help me to stand up for you with all I say,
With my deeds and works everyday.

Avert my eyes from every evil thing,
That I might glory to you bring,
Help me to see when I deserve your righteous wrath,
God, keep me on your narrow path!

Don't let me be distracted from your goals,
Work through me to the procuring of souls,
Dear Lord you want all I can give,
Help me for you, only you, to live.

I know, oh Lord, you have a plan for me,
Help me my pathway to clearly see,
Your plan is greater then I can imagine,
Let me hear your voice, again and again.

You know my every thought,
So help me not in sin to be caught,
Let me as a lamp for you glow,
A light ray in darkness let me show.

Help me to show you to others,
Whether strangers, or my sister and brothers,
Make me a witness to all around,
Fill me with your joyful sound!

All for the glory of you, my savior,
Let be all you in my behavior,
Don't let them see me, only you in me,
Lock me away, and throw away the key.

Dear Lord, hear my prayer,
To help me bear this worlds glare,
To shine for you through thick and thin,
And thank you for washing away my every sin.

- Bekah

Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm Totally Fine!.... NOT!

This week I've had quite a few incomplete ideas bouncing around in my head on what to write about. But between cramming in as much school as I possibly could, bruising a bone in my foot (making it rather painful to walk for a few days...still hurts now, but not to bad), having a headache most of the week because I got glasses and I'm not used to it all the way yet, making a wedding present, shopping for wedding presents with mom, having my state testing done on Saturday morning, going to Gillian's wedding shower on Saturday afternoon, church, some kind of stomach bug that makes it so whenever I eat it feels like my stomach is being pulled into pieces, almost no sleep last night, and just not writing...I just haven't got around to it until now. And then all my ideas were incomplete, half thoughts that left me with almost nothing to work with! You might say I was slightly freaking out about what I was going to write. That is when I recalled something I had written to one of my friends during the week when they asked me how I was. I said “Good! How about you?”. When, I wasn't really good. I wasn't even really fine. I was stressed out and tired.

When someone asks us how we are, no matter how we actually are, we almost always say we're fine, or good. At least, that's the case for me. My life can be going upside down, all around, and jumping through a hoop, all at the same time, but if someone asks me how I am, my automated response is, “I'm good! How about you?!”. Doesn't matter if I've had a dreadful day, week, or month, when someone asks me that questions, I just say that I'm fine. I'm good. I mean, don't want to give the impression that anything ever goes wrong in my life! Yeah, you guys really don't need to know that I struggle with stuff, so I'll just pretend I don't! Smart right?

Do we honestly believe that we're the only ones hurting? I mean, are we actually selfish enough, to think “I'm the only one who has problems! No one understands!”? Well, for me, the the answer is definitely yes. I can get so caught up in my own problems, that I start thinking I am the only one who has problems....wait...seriously? I am the only one who has problems getting along with my siblings. I am the only one who has problems getting along with my parents. I am the only one who has problems with some of my closest friends. I am the only one who was super close to one of my siblings, and then somehow we weren't anymore (they get a boyfriend/girlfriend, they move away, etc). I am the only one who has lost a best friend over a stupid rumor. I am the only one who has been betrayed by a best friend. I am the only one who has had mean things said about me. I am the only one who gets misunderstood. I am the only one that has problems with self worth. I am the only one who doesn't always do well in school. My parents are the only ones who fight. My family is the only one with financial struggles. My family is the only one who's had to make major adjustments in the last couple years. I can relate to all of the above, and more!

I get so caught up in feeling sorry for myself, I forget that I'm not the only one who is hurting. I think part of the reason we start thinking we are the only ones with problems is that we tend to try to hide our problems from each other. It looks like we are the only ones hurting because everyone else thinks the same thing, and tries to hide their hurting from everyone else! We seem to be ashamed of the fact that we have problems! We all do struggle with things, big, or small, everyone has some kind of disturbance, a ripple, on their pool of life. It just depends on how big the rock that was thrown in is! And honestly, we shouldn't even be feeling sorry for ourselves, even though that seems like the thing to do.

James 1:2-4
2My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”

2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me, 'My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.' Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Romans 5:3-5
3And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4and patience, experience' and experience hope: 5and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

These verses tell us to rejoicegloryjoy, in our tribulations, infirmities, weaknesses, and temptations. To me that doesn't sound like they're say to be ashamed of them, to try and hide them. Instead of hiding the things we struggle with, we should be open about them. Knowing that others have gone through exactly what you're going through, or just even knowing that other Christians do struggle, can be such a comfort! Not only can it be a comfort to someone else, but as a general rule, it really isn't that healthy to hold all the sadness, heartache, and pain inside of you. Talking so someone does help. Even when we are being bogged down by things, that doesn't mean that we can't also be thankful that we're going through a tough time because it will bring us closer to God!

What is even worse then trying to hide the fact we're hurting from other people, is trying to hide it from God. Not that we can, but that doesn't mean that sometimes we wont try. It's almost as if we feel...guilty...about having struggles. God allows these struggles to make us stronger! Of course he knows all about them, and he doesn't think any less of you for having them! Do we actually allow ourselves to think that God will think less of us for struggling? Uh, God has already seen us in our most vile and weak state of sin, and he still loved us! He died for us! And now we are thinking that he will look down upon us because we're going through something that is hard for us? He has already forgiven all our sins. God has never looked down on you, he has, and will continue to, always love you! Trials we have are meant to bring us closer to God. If we try to hide what we're going through from him, that wont bring us closer to him at all! He wants us to fully depend on him for strength! God will never give us more then we can take.

1 Corinthians 10:13
13There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”


I'm attaching a YouTube video to this one. Some of you may not be able to access YouTube, but those of you who can, you should watch it!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Reaping what you sow

There used to be a boy named Isaac at our church, and his parents were good friends with my parents. One evening I heard my parents discussing Isaac, he had done, something especially bad, and so mom and dad were talking about if any of us ever did that, what our punishment would be. I don't even remember what he did, but it was something that no one was too thrilled with. On Sunday, all of us kids went downstairs for our Sunday school lesson. Our Sunday school teacher (who also happened to be my Aunt Ruthie) before we started, would always ask each of us for something we wanted her to pray about before class. This Sunday, I felt it was my place to declare to the entire Sunday school class, what Isaac had done, and ask Ruthie to pray that he would be a better boy. That sure made him mad! He declared that he wasn't a bad boy, but told him “Are too! My mommy said so!”. I just looked down my nose at him, and thought about what a good girl I was.

Okay, I'm pretty sure that all of us have been taught not to steal. But I'm also sure that at one point in all of our lives, we have taken something that wasn't ours! Maybe it was just a piece of candy from your brothers stash (guilty as charged!) or some other “small” (I say “small”, because all sin is sin in God's eyes) thing, but at some time, each one of us has done something of that sort. If you think about it, why else would our parents tell us not to do things, unless we had just done the exact thing they're telling us not to! I'm not sure about all of you, but when I would see my mom or dad admonishing one of my siblings for something they did, I would start to feel kinda self righteous. And thoughts like “I would never do that!”, would come to my mind.

When my sibling and I were younger, mom would never let us have gum. I'm sure those of you that know what a klutz I am, can understand why my mom wouldn't want me having any :-P. When Timothy and Benjamin got a little older, they were allowed to have gum, and boy oh boy were us younger four jealous when ever they had any! Though, I'm sure that their rubbing it in didn't help at all! The story I am about to tell you, happened only a few weeks after the incident with Isaac. It was a Thursday evening, after bible study, and we went food shopping at Winco. We were in the checkout line, and mom and dad were loading up all the stuff on to the sliding belt. Us kids were rather bored, and were trying to find something to amuse ourselves, and that's when Benjamin picked up a roll of Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum that was out of place, and sitting right there among the magazines. He looked longingly at it, but knew that he didn't have any money, and that mom would never buy it for him (think about it, she buys one, she has to buy us all one...and there are 6 of us...not gonna happen!). So he puts it back down in the same spot, and kinda meanders off to do something else. There it was...sitting there, just begging for me to pick it up! So I did. I smelled it, the sweet bubble gum flavoring wafted up to my nose and a horrible thought jumped into my mind, “What if I just took it?”. I of course dismissed the thought at first, I knew it would be wrong. But I didn't stop thinking about it, and I ended up being persuaded by these thoughts to take it. “No one is looking! You never get any, and it's not fair, you should be allowed to have it! The store wont really care, it's just a little thing of bubble gum out of the entire store! No one will ever know, so it wont worry anyone!”. Mom and dad started to load everything into the cart, this was my chance, no one was looking! I quickly slipped the pink bubble gum package into the pocket of my dress, and covered it with my hand so that no one would see the bulge. I immediately started to feel guilty, but I just countered the pokes of my conscience with the arguments that I had let persuade me to take the gum in the first place. When we got home, I was the first out of the van and ran into the house. I was going to hide the gum somewhere, but I didn't have enough time, the others were coming in the house with the groceries. So instead I just laid on my stomach in the middle of the living room. Everyone was filing through the front door helping out...except for me. Mom told me to get up and go and help. Thinking quickly I told her I didn't feel good, which was true technically. Somehow I managed to get upstairs without being detected. Now the trick was to find somewhere that I could chew my gum in peace...the only place would be the bathroom.

During the course of the next few days, I would sneak off to have gum in the bathroom. Curiously, I wasn't enjoying the gum as much as I thought I would. I still hid the gum in the pocket of my dress because since I shared a room with my sisters, I didn't want them to find it, and they were less likely to be going through my clothes then my others stuff. Sometime in the next week (don't remember what day, but it was early in the week) mom remembered that one of the buttons on the dress I had been wearing on Thursday had come loose, so she asked me to go and get it. I ran upstairs, and grabbed the dress, not thinking to take the gum out. So I ran down the stairs with the dress and just as I came bouncing into the dining room, the gum fell out of the pocket of my dress. There was a shocked silence for a few moments afterward, and then mom picked up the gum and looked at me. She wasn't too happy you might say. I kinda mumbled, and didn't know what to say, but sat there in shame with all my siblings staring at me. Benjamin kindly remarked, “I saw her pick it up, but I didn't think she'd actually take it!”. Mom told me we would go to Winco on Sunday, and buy it, and I would have to talk to the manager about what I did. Weren't all my siblings eager to tell daddy what I had done when he got home! I had a very uncomfortable rest of the week, thinking about what I would have to do on Sunday after church.

Sunday school was horrific...Benjamin decided to tell the entire class what I had done, and then I had Isaac triumphing over me, disappointed looks from Aunt Ruthie, and horrified looks from most of the other children. I couldn't wait to get out of Sunday school, but at the same time I was dreading it. I knew immediately after Sunday school was done, we would go to Winco so that I could confess to some stranger. The stranger part was especially bothering me. I was horribly shy, and I would have to tell astranger how bad I had been! I pretty much avoided everyone and went strait to the van when Sunday school was done. Eventually everyone was piled into the van, and we headed off. I shrank down in my seat, wishing that I had never taken the gum, and wondering why I had ever thought that it was such a good idea. By the time we got to the store, my palms were super sweaty, and I was already trying not to cry. I had to be practically pushed out of the van, and dragged into the store by mom. I remember I kept asking if I had to do it, and mom always very firmly said yes. I don't know how long we had to wait to talk to the manager, but the minutes felt like hours. When he finally came, I just stared at the floor, trying not to look up for as long as possible. I don't recall what mom said to him, but I remember him coming down to my level and looking me in the eye. He told me that it wasn't okay to steal, and that God didn't want us to. He said that this time I wouldn't get in trouble (by him) but that he hoped I wouldn't do anything like that in the future. He was very kind, and I certainly didn't appreciate it enough then. When he left, mom went and bought the gum, and on the way out the door, she threw it into the garbage, making sure I could see her do it.

Well, I certainly learned my lesson. I never stole from a store again. For years after that, I always hated going to Winco. If I could, I would stay in the van and not go in. I hated that it reminded me of how bad I had been. Every time I did end up having to go in, I would keep my head down and try not to be seen by anyone. I also remember that some times when we would go in, I would see the manager, I really tried to hide then! There was a really terrible time when he actually recognized me and mom and came and talked to us!

Proverbs 16:18
18Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

James 4:12
12There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?”

I judged Isaac, and unabashedly! That sure came back to bite me. Isaac was happy to get the chance to get me back for what I did to him! To me it feels like a lot of the time when we see others struggling, instead of encouraging them, we point fingers, and feel self righteous.
Wow, their struggling with that? They can't be very strong Christians to be going through something like this. There is no way I would ever struggle with something as simple as that!”.
Instead of lifting them up, we bring them down, and ridicule them. Sometimes we even go as far as to gossip about it! We tell others about their struggles, and beat them down in front of others! Not even close to Christ like behavior! Would Jesus ever do anything to discourage, and bring someone even lower then they already were? No. As Christians we are the example of Christ to this world, if we are gossiping about someone, beating them down, instead of encouraging them, what does that say to the world? Well one thing is sure, it doesn't glorify God! Why would someone want to become a Christian if they see us as just like them, gossiping, and beating each other down? They already have that in the world, so why come to Church so that they can wear a suit and do the same thing? We need to encourage, lift up, build up, be the helping hand, the ones to support each other. Not the ones who beat down, discourage, knock down the supports, and wont even touch each other with a ten foot pole! All we do with this discouraging behavior, is make the victim sad and mad. The only thing that they'll learn from it, is not to trust you.

Matthew 26:41
41Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Luke 8:6 & 13
6And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture.13They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.”

When Timothy and Benjamin got to have gum, the other four of us were very jealous. I ended up taking it into my own hands to take before it was the right time for me to have it. I knew that it was wrong, and in the past I had thought that I would never do something like that. But “in time of temptation” I ended up doing exactly what I was sure I would never do. This ties in with my last email about contentedness. We see others having the benefits of being older (Marriage, dating, courting) and instead of waiting out turn, we try to take it before we're actually ready. And then we might try to hide it from our parents, which never works well, because they usually find out about it anyway. I was very tempted to take that gum, and I allowed myself to do it, and I regretted it later. When we take things before we're ready for them, we end up regretting it. We don't think anyone will mind “What they don't know wont hurt them” right? Thing is, they end up knowing, so it does hurt them. And when we're doing something behind someones back, we usually feel kinda guilty about it. I certainly did! Because I didn't wait for the proper time to have the gum, I didn't enjoy it as much, and I displeased many people including myself. But did I want to confess? Uh, no! Even though I knew it was wrong, and I wished I hadn't done it, I really didn't want to go to that store and tell them what I had done! It wasn't because I was enjoying the gum so much that I didn't want to give it up, it was because of pride. I didn't want someone I didn't even know, knowing how bad I had been! When we do something we know is wrong, and we aren't really having a good time after all, sometimes we still don't want to actually go to God and confess our sin, and ask him to forgive us. We have to be pushed, and pulled, by our conscience to actually go to God. It's not like God doesn't already know what we've done, but he wants us to come to him and tell him about it ourselves. The longer we wait, the harder it is.
It was so long ago, why does it still matter? It's not like I'm going to do it again or something.”
Even so, just because it was a long time ago, doesn't mean that it's something that still doesn't need dealt with. I know it's so hard to bend our pride and actually go and admit that we were wrong, but that doesn't make it any less necessary. God wants to hear from us, he wants to help you overcome things, he is willing to forgive!

Romans 2:1 & 3
1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest does the same things.3And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?”

Galatians 5:14
14For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Galatians 6: 1-2
1Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; consider thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

Galatians 6:7
7Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

I definitely had that day in Sunday school coming to me. That verse from Galatians 6:7 really says it all eh? I judged Isaac, told the entire class about what he had done, and felt self righteous about it. I in turn, had my brother tell the entire class what I had done, had Isaac lording over me as I had lorded over him, and had many people judging me also. Be careful; what you sow, you will reap. If we knock each other down even farther, then when we're down, we'll be pushed down too. We teach others by our behavior. Have you ever noticed how little kids like to copy you? Kinda like that. When we judge, and put each other down, we teach others to do the same, especially newer Christians. They are like little children, who are going to copy what you do, so if they see you putting someone down, and judging, they will do the same. Another reason we do this is peer pressure. Who says it's “cool” to encourage each other? Who says it's “cool” to build each other up? Who says it's “cool” to extend a helping hand? Doesn't it just seem easier to sit back and judge? Yep, maybe it is easier, but that doesn't make it right. When one person does the easy thing, and judges, that just makes it easier for the rest of us to do the same. It's kinda odd how when it's something wrong, we find it so easy to follow, but when it's something good, we are reluctant. If we loved each other, as we love ourselves, then wouldn't encouraging each other be so much easier?! We ought to look on each other with love, not judgment. Think about how it would feel if you were in that position, and then someone came along and just made it all worse by gossiping, and pointing fingers at you. Yeah, wow, that would really stink huh? Love, as Christ has loved you!

John 13: 34-35
34A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

James 1:12-15
12Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. 13Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: 14But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth froth death.”

- Bekah


John 14: 27 (KJV)
My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Psalm 37:7 (KJV)
Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.”

Ever been berry picking with your family? Lots of fun!...and work! Often when our family would go berry picking we would end up having a contest to see who could pick the most berries. I always loved it!...The only problem is, I've never been good at it! Especially when I was younger, I just couldn't wait to eat the berries, so instead of putting them into my bucket, I would pop them into my mouth. Now, I may have picked a lot of berries, but most of them never saw the inside of my bucket. When it was time to go, and all of us kids would gather around to see who had done the best. I would always feel so disappointed I hadn't done well. I felt even worse when I would realize that the few berries I did have in my bucket were rather squished, and bedraggled looking. The stains on my face and mouth gave away that I had been eating a lot more then I had been putting in the bucket! A lot of the time mom would give who ever picked the most (usually one of my two older brothers), a candy bar, a dollar, or some other small prize. I always wanted to get that prize (I mean...A CHOCOLATE BAR!!) but I was always to occupied with what I wanted while I was picking the berries (eating the berries in other words) to think about the the candy bar in the future.
As I got older, I didn't eat as many, but I still didn't do well in our family competitions. My problem was that I could never just stay put and pick the berries. I saw all these wonderful berries, all around...that patch looked just a little be better then this one, so I'd run over to it, pick a few, and them I would see another patch that was even better! But by the time I would get over the that patch, I would see another, that was just that much better then this one! And so it would go on, I would pick a couple, see some that were even brighter, and better, and go over to them...I spent more time walking then I did picking. I just hopped from bush to bush, trying to get the best of the best. I was never just content with the berries I had ready at my finger tips to pick right then. I always wanted some that were even better. These ones just weren't good enough. From farther away, they looked wonderful! But once you got up close, you could tell that they weren't quite as good as you thought they were...but those ones over there were! And then it would be time to go. I, along with all my siblings, would all crowd around to see who had won. I always lost. The berries I had were bumped and bruised from me rushing from place to place, and I didn't have very many at all! All I had was a couple handfuls of bruised and bumped berries, for the fruits of my labor (yes, pun intended :-P).
Now you're probably wondering what berry picking has to do with God and the Bible. Well, I just want to use this as a picture of discontentment. When I was younger I could never wait for the good things, I just had to have them right now. Do we do that with God? We want all the things he has promised to us...RIGHT NOW! A rather cliche example would be...wait for it... marriage/dating/courting. Yep, that's right. Now days a good portion of most teen girls lives are wasted wishing for what is in their future. Instead of enjoying the stage in life they are at right now, all they do is sigh and wish for when they're older! Our teen years are SO important. Before we have the responsibilities of being married, and having kids, we can do so many amazing things for God! Right now we are young, full of life! God has his own timing, wait for God's plan for you, don't try to make your own plans! I'm not saying that I am excluded from this crowd, because I'm not! I'm just trying to take a step back and look at the big picture here. I don't have to get married right away, though, that may be God's plan for me, I obviously don't know. But right now why can't I be living as much as I can for Christ, instead of just thinking about later? God will bring the right guy into my life when the time is right (not saying I don't think he already has....). But right now, I don't actually need to be worrying about that. I should be worrying about what God wants me to be doing...right now. Not my future! God has it all taken care of! When we take the good things before we're supposed to, we'll end up stained in sin, and all we'll have is a bunch of bad fruit.

Matthew 6:25-34 (KJV)
25Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more then meat, and the body more then raiment?26Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly father feedeth them. Are ye not much better then they?27Which of you by taking thought can add on cubit unto his stature?28And why take ye thought for the raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:29And yet I say unto you, the even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.30Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?31Therefore take no thought saying, what shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed?32(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.34Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

So what about when I was older? I would just hop from bush to bush, trying to find some berries that would satisfy me. I tried, and tried, but I was never satisfied with what I found. We see things in this world that we think will make us happy, satisfy us. So we go and get these things, do these things, etc. Well, those things might make you happy for a little bit, but pretty soon the newness, novelty if you may, of them wears off, and you're left right where you started, searching. So we hop from thing to thing, looking for something that will satisfy us...but they don't! So we go to another thing. But nothing works long enough, we always end up searching again! No matter how many different things we try, none of them will ever satisfy what only can be satisfied by God. Next time you're feeling that longing for that something, go and read your bible! Go and talk to a friend about God. No matter how much you search for something else, only the things of God will be able to make you happy! Go read that chapter you discovered that made you feel so pumped, alive! Go reread it, re-catch that vision!

Ecclesiastes 4:6 (KJV)
Better is an handful with quietness, then both the hands full with travail and vexation of the spirit.”

Psalm 33:20 (KJV)
Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield.”
There is another aspect to my jumping all over the place. As I went from bush to bush, I never took the time to really enjoy the fruit that I had in front of me! I just looked past it, searching for better, when there was none better! I looked, but I never took the time to enjoy them, I ran off to quickly! God gives us things in life, wonderful things! But sometimes we don't enjoy them to their full extant because we're busy running off to do something else. He gives us these things for our own enjoyment. He gives us these things to build us up, encourage us. He gives us these things, to satisfy that longing that we're trying to fill. He gives us the answer to what we're looking for, but we're looking to quickly to stop and see it! God provides the things, and people to encourage and uplift us. So don't try to find another way to encourage yourself. Nothing will ever work, ultimately only God can help and satisfy us, so why waste your time? Stop trying so hard and take a moment to see those things that God has given you already! You don't have to look far! God wants to help us, so he wont hide his help! Believe it or not, your siblings, your parents, they could easily be the encouragement that God has given you! Get to know them.

Hebrews 2:1 (KJV)
Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at anytime we should slip.”
- Bekah