Friday, May 16, 2014


I was nominated to do this questionnaire by Lizzie, from Lizzie's Place to do this... so here ya go!:D

11 random facts about me:

1. I'm the 2nd of 9 kids

2. I can gleek (spit from the saliva gland underneath my tongue) gross, but a great way to fend off my brothers;)

3. I do ballet (10 years!)

4. I suck at poetry

5. I have a wild side only like 2 people know about ;)

6. I got my permit the day after I turned 15, and my license 2 months after I turned 16.

7. I'm a photographer! Check out my Photography Blog!

8. I'm a Christian, but I hope you already knew that!

9. I think big families are amazing, and I wanna have one!

10. I think getting married young would be the coolest thing ever.

11. I get bored really easily:P

Annnnndddd The answers to Lizzie's 11 questions!!
1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I'd go to Ghana and visit my sponsor child Ebenezer. I've been sponsoring him since he was 3, now he's 7 and I'd love to meet him!
2. What is your favorite book and why?
The Bible. Hands down! I love it because it's God's inspired word to us! He left us amazing promises in it and I feel so encouraged talking to Him while I read His word!
3. What is your favorite Disney movie?
I dont even know!!!:P lol. I can only pick one???
4. Prepared of unprepared?
It depends... if you're talking about my history final.. then no... not prepared;)
5. Favorite time of the year?
6. Greatest role model?
My best friend, Jed, he's taught me so much (unintentionally) about following God, he always has a word of encouragement for me, and always tells me when I'm doing something wrong, he isn't afraid to tell me the truth. An amazing person, with an amazing heart for God!
7. What kind of music to do you listen to?
Christian Rock, and Country:)))
8. If you could fast forward your life to see your future and then rewind to present day again, would you say yes?
No, God gives us different seasons in our lives and I think its important to enjoy the moment He's given us:)
9. Who is your favorite superhero?
10. What is your dream?
Thats a secret! 
11. If you could meet anyone in  the world who would it be?
Anyone currently living??? currently living.. I have no clue... dead...still... no clue:P